Monday, April 23, 2012

monday music: johnny flynn & laura marling

Hello Monday! I'm very happy about this week's music. I heard this song while watching the trailer for this movie. It looks like the sort of film I'd really like to see and the song is AMAZING. Just the sort of beautiful, angsty little tune that I'm always drawn to. I've been a fan of Laura Marling for quite some time, but Johnny Flynn is new to me and I'm definitely going to check out more of his music. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

in a day

A few weeks ago we drove to Albany. How was it so long ago already? Anyway, the boy and I were participating in the Roll In A Day project on flickr, so I thought I'd share my shots from the day. It was a fun exercise, to rush your way through a whole roll of film. It meant that some shots were blurry or not very well thought out, but that was our day! Full of food, tea, tying shoelaces and tagging the city with Figurehead stickers. Duds and all.

Monday, April 9, 2012

monday music: matt costa

I heard an old favorite today. Something I'd almost forgotten about. So I'm sharing it here because it made me quite happy.